We practice asana to prepare the body for stillness. That is the practice of yoga. To quiet the mind, bring awareness to our breath, and connect with something greater than ourselves.
Private Classes
Whether you are feeling intimidated by a group setting or are just looking for a more personal experience, private yoga can be a great way to dive deeper into your yoga practice.
Virtual Offerings
We understand that sometimes the hardest part is getting yourself out the door. Which is why Laurelle offers weekly virtual classes for you to enjoy from the comfort of your home!
Yoga for Endometriosis
We’ve teamed up with the Endometriosis Network Canada to bring you FREE virtual Restorative Yoga on the third Thursday of EVERY month!
YouTube Channel
We understand that the ability to pay for yoga and meditation offerings is a privilege which is why we offer FREE online movement and meditation—New Videos Monthly.
What is Yoga?
The practice of yoga originated in ancient India. I am personally beyond grateful for this life changing practice, which is why it’s extremely important to me that the philosophy of yoga is always at the forefront of my classes. I consider myself a forever student of this beautiful practice and believe that we can grow and evolve by learning from each other.
My vision for Wild Wandering Creations was always to bring people together in community. The word ‘Yoga’ is derived from the Sanskrit root ‘Yuj’, meaning ‘to join’, ‘to yoke’, or ‘to unite’. It literally means bring together. Over time it took on the more spiritual meaning that many of us know today, such as merging the Self with the whole or coming together with something greater than ourselves.
At its roots, yoga is a practice dedicated to relieving suffering and finding liberation for one and for all. In today’s western practice, many of us have forgotten yoga’s roots. It is my intention to continue educating myself and ensure I’m honouring the roots of yoga.